All the latest news 'n' stuff from Adams Surfboards

Loose-Fit in Braunton is now an official Adams dealer!!!

Calling all the Devon crew......
A wide range of Adams surfboards will be available from Loose-fit surf shop based in braunton.
Loose-Fit are the latest addition to our ever growing list of accounts so get yourselves down to
the store to check out the latest in high performance surfboards..
Give them a call on 01271 813300 or visit

They will be stocking some of our hottest models to date including our latest best seller "THE TONKA"
a uk version of the "Dumpster Diver" these have been flying out....
All our team riders are frothing on them Lewis Clinton, Jack Clinton, Miles Lee-Hargreaves, Luke Dillon
have all just ordered theirs ..... so what you waiting for....
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Adams Surfboards